
Chocolate and mandarin biscotti with walnuts



  • 280g plain flour
  • 60g cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 200g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 120g whole almonds
  • 100g walnuts
  • Peel of 2 mandarins, finely chopped


Put all the ingredients together in a large bowl and mix together lightly to form soft dough, being careful not to over-mix as the mixture will become tough. Divide the pastry into 3 pieces, and roll out each piece into a long sausage. Place them on a lined baking tray and bake for 20 minutes at 180`c. You will only be half-cooking the pastry at this stage. Remove the baking tray from the oven and leave the pastry to cool down completely for 20 minutes. Next, using a sharp knife, slice the pastry diagonally into 1cm pieces, and place them side by side on a lined baking tray. You will need to bake the biscotti in the oven again for another 10-15 minutes. This process will be drying out the biscotti on the surface to make them crunchy. Take the biscotti out of the oven and turn them around onto their opposite side. Put back into the oven and continue to cook for another 10-15 minutes. When the biscotti have been cooked on both sides, remove them from the oven and leave them to cool on the baking tray. Serve the chocolate and mandarin biscotti with a glass of limoncello or amaretto liqueur.
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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Biskuttini taċ-ċikkulata u l-mandarin bl-ġewż


  • 280g dqiq plain
  • 60g kokotina
  • kuċċarina trab tal-ħami (baking powder)
  • ¼ ta’ kuċċarina melħ;
  • 3 bajdiet
  • 200g zokkor
  • kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla
  • 120g lewż sħiħ
  • 100g ġewż
  • il-qoxra ta’ 2 mandariniet, imqattgħa rqiq


Poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha flimkien fi skutella kbira u ħawwad bil-mod sakemm tifforma għaġina ratba. Ara li ma tħawwadx iżżejjed għax inkella l-għaġina tibbies. Aqsam l-għaġina fi 3 biċċiet u iftaħ kull biċċa f’romblu twil. Poġġi dawn ir-rombli tal-għaġina fuq tilar miksi bil-karta forn u aħmihom nofs sajran għal 20 minuta f’temperatura ta’ 180oC. Oħroġhom mill-forn u ħallihom jiksħu sew għal madwar 20 minuta. B’sikkina tajba, aqta’ r-rombli tal-għaġina f’biċċiet ta’ 1ċm ħalli tifforma l-biskuttini u poġġihom ħdejn xulxin fuq tilar miksi bil-karta forn. Aħmihom madwar 10 minuti, kwarta. B’hekk il-wiċċ tal-biskuttini jinxef u jiġu jqarmċu. Oħroġhom mill-forn u aqlibhom. Erġa’ daħħalhom u kompli aħmihom għal 10 minuti, kwarta oħra. Meta l-biskuttini jsiru miż-żewġ naħat, oħroġhom u ħallihom jiksħu. Servihom ma’ ftit limunċell jew mal-likur tal-amaretto.

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