Chocolate cake
For the cake
- 225g plain flour
- 1 ½ tsp baking powder
- 1 ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 50g cocoa powder
- 350g caster sugar
- 2 eggs
- 250ml milk
- 125ml vegetable all
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 125ml boiling hot water
For the chocolate Ganache`
- 300g dark chocolate, chopped
- 300ml double cream
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Start this recipe by preparing greasing and lining 2 x 22cm round tins with non-stick baking paper. To make the chocolate ganache`, put the cream and chocolate together in a saucepan and heat gently until the chocolate has melted (stir constantly with a small whisk to stop the chocolate from burning)Pour the chocolate sauce into a bowl and leave to cool and set for about an hour, or until the ganache` is thick and spreadable. Meanwhile, make the chocolate cake. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and cocoa powder. Add in the sugar, eggs, milk, vegetable oil and vanilla essence and mix together with a whisk until you have a smooth batter. Finally, whisk in the boiling water and pour the cake batter into the prepared cake tins. Immediately bake the cakes in the oven at 180°C, for 30-35 minutes. When ready, remove the chocolate cakes from the oven and leave to cool in the tins for an hour. When you are ready to assemble the chocolate cake, remove the cakes from the tin and peel off the non-stick paper. Place one of the cakes on a large round serving plate and spread over ¼ of the prepared ganache`. Smooth over with a palette knife and place the second cake on top. Use the remaining Ganache` to coat the top and sides of the cake. Place the chocolate cake in the fridge to firm up for an hour before serving.
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Kejk Taċ-ċikkulata
- 225g dqiq plain
- 1½ kuċċarina trab tal-ħami (baking powder)
- 1½ kuċċarina bikarbonat tas-soda
- 50g kokotina
- 350g zokkor fin (caster sugar)
- 2 bajdiet
- 250ml ħalib
- 125ml żejt veġetali
- kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla
- 125ml misħun
Għall-ganachè taċ-ċikkulata
- 300g ċikkulata skura, imqattgħa
- 300ml krema doppja
Iksi u idlek żewġ laned tondi ta’ 22ċm b’karta forn. Biex tagħmel il-ganachè, itfa’ l-krema u ċ-ċikkulata f’kazzola u saħħanhom fuq nar baxx, sakemm iċ-ċikkulata tinħall (ħawwad il-ħin kollu biex iċ-ċikkulata ma tinħaraqx). Itfa’ t-taħlita fi skutella u ħalliha tiksaħ għal madwar siegħa, jew sakemm tagħqad u tkun tista’ tindilek. Sadattant lesti l-kejk. Fi skutella kbira għarbel flimkien id-dqiq, it-trab tal-ħami, il-bikarbonat tas-soda u l-kokotina. Żid iz-zokkor, il-bajd, il-ħalib, iż-żejt u l-essenza tal-vanilla u ħawwad b’ħabbata sakemm ikollok taħlita ratba. Imbagħad itfa’ l-misħun u kompli ħawwad. Itfa’ t-taħlita fiż-żewġ laned u aħmihom mill-ewwel f’temperatura ta’ 180oC għal 30-35 minuta. Meta jkunu lesti, oħroġhom mill-forn u ħallihom jiksħu fil-laned għal madwar siegħa. Imbagħad aqla’ ż-żewġ kejkijiet mil-laned u neħħi l-karta forn. Poġġi wieħed mill-kejkijiet fi platt kbir u ferrex fuqu ¼ tal-ganachè. Ifrixha b’paletta u poġġi l-kejk l-ieħor fuqha. Uża l-ganachè li jkun fadal biex tiksi l-wiċċ u d-dawra tal-kejk. Qabel isservi daħħal il-kejk fil-friġġ għal madwar siegħa biex jagħqad.
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