Chicken lollipops
- 5kg chicken drumsticks (Dewfresh)
- 2tbsp smoked paprika
- 1tbsp salt
- 1tbsp black pepper
- 1tbsp white pepper
- 1tsp thyme
- 1tsp rosemary
- 1tsp sage
- 1tsp oregano
- 1tsp basil
- 1tsp garlic powder
- 1tsp onion salt
- ½ tsp celery salt
- ½ tsp ginger
- ½ tsp mustard powder
- 2 cups plain flour
- 3 eggs
- 1 small bottle Ice-cold soda water
- Vegetable oil for deep frying
Start this recipe by preparing the chicken by cutting the tenderloin and push the meat downwards forming the lollipops and put aside. Mix all of the dried herbs and spices together in a large bowl. In another bowl, mix together the flour and salt. In another bowl mix together the eggs, soda water and 1 cup of flour. Next, dip and coat the chicken with the flour mix, then dip in the egg mix and then cover well with the spice mix. Preheat oil at 160°c (medium heat) and fry the lollipops in small batches for about 18 minutes, 4-5 pieces at a time to avoid lowering the temperature of the oil.
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Lollipops tat-tiġieġ
- 5kg ixkla (drumsticks) tat-tiġieġ
- dqiq
- 2 imgħaref paprika affumikata
- mgħarfa melħ
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- kuċċarina riegnu
- kuċċarina ħabaq
- kuċċarina trab tat-tewm
- nofs kuċċarina celery salt
- nofs kuċċarina ġinġer
- nofs kuċċarina mustarda
- 3 bajdiet
- flixkun żgħir soda water kiesaħ silġ
- żejt veġetali għall-qali
Ibda din ir-riċetta billi tipprepara t-tiġieġ billi taqta’ d-drumsticks u timbotta l-laħam ‘l isfel biex tifforma l-lollipops u warrab. Ħallat il-ħwawar kollha fi skutella kbira. Fi skutella oħra, ħawwad flimkien id-dqiq u l-melħ. Fi skutella oħra ħallat flimkien il-bajd, is-soda water u tazza dqiq. Sussegwentement, idlek u saffi t-tiġieġ bit-taħlita tad-dqiq, imbagħad daħħal fit-taħlita tal-bajd u mbagħad għatti sew bit-taħlita tal-ħwawar. Saħħan iż-żejt f’temperatura ta’ 160°c (sħana medja) u aqli l-lollipops ftit ftit madwar 18-il minuta, 4-5 biċċiet kull darba biex tevita li tbaxxi t-temperatura taż-żejt.
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