Fillet of beef on a baked cheese tortellini cake
- 400g Fillet of beef
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 red onions, sliced
- 1 knob butter
- 2 tbsp. brown sugar
- 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
- ½ glass red wine
- 50g Mexican cheese
- 50ml cream
- 100g fresh frozen cheese tortellini (Maypole)
- 1 egg
- 50g Parmesan cheese
Cut the beef in 2 mignions and seal well on both sides in a hot pan with 1 tbsp olive oil. Remove and continue to cook in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Slice the onions and saute in butter on low heat using the same pan, add the sugar and caramelize followed by the vinegar and wine and reduce for 10 minutes. In a small saucepan, melt the Mexican cheese in the cream together to a sauce. Boil the fresh frozen pasta tortellini and mix with the sauce, egg and half of the Parmesan. Spoon into 2 round greased moulds, sprinkle over the remaining Parmesan and brown under a hot grill for 2-3 minutes. Serve the beef fillet with the onion marmalade and the tortellini cake.
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Flett taċ-ċanga fuq kejk tat-tortellini tal-ġobon moħmi.
- 400g flett taċ-ċanga
- 100g tortellini tal-ġobon
- 50g ġobon Messikan
- bajda
- 50ml krema
- 50g ġobon parmiġġjan
- 2 basliet
- 2 imgħaref zokkor ismar
- mgħarfa ħall balsamiku
- nofs tazza nbid aħmar
Qatta’ ċ-ċanga f’2 mignions u ssiġilla sew fuq iż-żewġ naħat f’taġen jaħraq b’mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar u kompli sajjar fil-forn għal 5-7 minuti. Qatta’ l-basal u sajjar fil-butir fuq nar baxx billi tuża l-istess taġen. Żid iz-zokkor u kkaramelizza, segwit mill-ħall u l-inbid u rriduċi għal 10 minuti. Ġo kazzola żgħira, dewweb il-ġobon Messikan fil-krema flimkien biex tagħmel zalza. Għalli t-tortellini frisk iffriżat u ħawwad maz-zalza, bajda u nofs il-parmiġġjan. Poġġi f’2 forom tondi midluka bix-xaħam, roxx fil-wiċċ il-parmiġġjan li jifdal u sajjar taħt il-grilja taħraq għal 2-3 minuti. Servi l-flett taċ-ċanga flimkien mat-taħlita tal-basal u l-kejk tat-tortellini.
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