Stuffed Cumberland chicken with mushroom red wine sauce
- 2 chicken breast approx. 300-400g (Dewfresh)
- 2 Cumberland sausages (Dewfresh)
- 4 slices streaky bacon (Dewfresh)
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 3 gloves garlic, chopped
- 1 small carrot, finely diced
- 1 tbsp. chopped rosemary
- 12 small button mushrooms
- ½ glass red wine
- 200g polpa
- 2 bay leaves
- 4 tbsp. frozen peas
- 2 medium sized potatoes
- ½ tsp nutmeg
- 1 knob butter
- salt and pepper
Butterfly both chicken breast and flatten out. Remove the skin off the sausages and flatten onto the chicken. Season with salt and pepper and roll up. Wrap 2 slices of bacon around each breast. Heat a pan with 1 tbsp. olive oil and seal the chicken parcels on all sides. Add in the onion and garlic and cook together for a few minutes before adding in the carrot, rosemary and mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. Splash in the red wine to evaporate along with the bay leaves, polpa and peas and continue to cook until the sauce is reduced and the chicken is cooked through. Meanwhile, peel, dice and boil the potatoes until soft then mash with the grated nutmeg, a knob of butter and salt and pepper. Serve the chicken sliced on a bed of the mashed potatoes and drizzled with the sauce.
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Tiġieġ mimli bil-Cumberland ma’ zalza tal-inbid aħmar u l-faqqiegħ
- 300g sider tat-tiġieġa
- 2 zalzett Cumberland
- 12 faqqiegħ żgħir
- basla żgħira
- 3 sinniet tewm
- karrotta żgħira
- mgħarfa klin
- 4 mgħaref piżelli tal-friża
- nofs tazza nbid aħmar
- 200g polpa
- 2 weraq tar-rand
- 4 biċċiet bejken
- 2 patatiet ta’ daqs medju
- nofs kuċċarina noċemuskata
Iftaħ u ċċattja s-sider tat-tiġieġa. Neħħi l-ġilda minn fuq iz-zalzett u għaffeġ fuq it-tiġieġa. Ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar u rrombla. Kebbeb 2 iflieli tal-bejken madwar kull sider. Saħħan taġen b’mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa u ssiġilla t-tiġieġ min-naħat kollha. Żid il-basla u t-tewm u sajjar flimkien għal ftit minuti qabel ma żżid il-karrotta, il-klin u l-faqqiegħ u sajjar għal 2 minuti. Ferrex l-inbid aħmar u ħallih jevapora flimkien mal-weraq tar-rand, polpa u piżelli u kompli sajjar sakemm iz-zalza tirriduċi u t-tiġieġ ikun imsajjar. Sadanittant, qaxxar, qatta’ u għalli l-patata sakemm tkun ratba, imbagħad żid u ħawwad bin-noċemuskata maħkuka, ftit butir, melħ u bżar. Servi t-tiġieġ imfellel fuq sodda tal-patata maxx u biz-zalza fil-wiċċ.
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