Chicken and chorizo sausage casserole with chick peas and coriander
- 800g chicken thighs or breast
- 2 heaped tbsp plain flour, well season
- 2 tbsp olive oil (PREGO)
- 3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 8 shallots, peeled
- 1 red chilli, finely chopped
- 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
- Fresh seasoning
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 can (400g) tinned tomato polpa (PREGO)
- 200ml red wine
- 400ml chicken stock (KNORR)
- 1 can (400g) chick peas, drained
- 300g chorizo sausage, chopped (CASADEMONT)
- 1 tbsp chopped parsley
- 1 tbsp chopped coriander
- You will also need crusty bread for serving
Start this recipe by dipping the chicken pieces in the seasoned flour to cover all over. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large pan and quickly seal the chicken. Remove the sealed chicken pieces from the pan, and add in the remaining oil. Add in the garlic, chilli, shallots and carrots and sweat together for 5 minutes, for the onion and carrots to soften. Put the sealed chicken pieces back into the pan, and pour in the wine, chicken stock and tomato polpa. Add in the bay leaves and season well with salt and pepper. Give the pan a good mix, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, quickly pan fry the chopped chorizo sausage in another pan till crispy. Discard the oil fat that is in the pan as this will leave an unpleasant layer on the surface of the casserole. After the casserole has been simmering for 20 minutes, add the cooked chorizo sausage and chickpeas and continue to cook for 15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Finally, stir in the chopped parsley and coriander and serve in large bowls with warm crusty bread.
Suggested accompanying wine: DELICATA Medina Syrah D.O.K. Superior Malta
our sponsors
Stuffat tat-tiġieġ u z-zalzett chorizo biċ-ċiċri u l-kosbor
- 800g koxox jew isdra tat-tiġieġ
- 2 mgħaref imburġati dqiq plain, imħawwar
- 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa (PREGO)
- 3 sinniet tewm, imqattgħin
- 8 basliet vjola, imqaxxra
- filfel, imqatta’ rqiq
- 2 zunnarijiet, imqaxxra u mqattgħa
- ħwawar friski
- 2 werqiet rand
- bott (400g) polpa tat-tadam (PREGO)
- 200ml inbid aħmar
- 400ml stokk tat-tiġieġ (KNORR)
- bott (400g) ċiċri, imsaffi
- 300g zalzett chorizo, imqatta’
- mgħarfa tursin, imqatta’
- mgħarfa kosbor, imqatta’
- Għandek bżonn ukoll ftit ħobż frisk biex isservi
Għaddi t-tiġieġ mid-dqiq u iksihom kollha. Saħħan mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa f’taġen kbir u qalli t-tiġieġ fih biex tissiġillahom. Neħħihom mit-taġen u żid iż-żejt li jkun fadal, it-tewm, il-filfel, il-basal u z-zunnarija u aqlihom għal 5 minuti sakemm il-basal u z-zunnarija jirtabu. Erġa’ itfa’ t-tiġieġ fit-taġen u żid l-inbid aħmar, l-istokk tat-tiġieġ u l-polpa tat-tadam. Itfa’ l-weraq tar-rand u ħawwar bi ftit bżar u melħ. Ħawwad tajjeb imbagħad għatti t-taġen bl-għatu u ħallih itektek għal 20 minuta. Sadattant aqli z-zalzett f’taġen ieħor sakemm jiġi jqarmeċ. Neħħi x-xaħam li jkun ħareġ minnu għax dan iħalli saff mhux pjaċevoli fil-wiċċ tal-istuffat. Meta jkunu għaddew l-20 minuta, itfa’ z-zalzett u ċ-ċiċri u kompli sajjar għal 15-il minuta jew sakemm it-tiġieġ ikun sar. Fl-aħħar, itfa’ t-tursin u l-kosbor u servi fi platti fondi mal-ħobż frisk.
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