
Chocolate meringue cake with berries

Serves: 10-12



For the meringue

  • 6 large egg whites
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder (Icam)
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 50g chopped dark chocolate (Icam)

For the cranberry jam

  • 200g chopped fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 75g caster sugar
  • Juice and zest of 2 oranges
  • 1 tsp corn flour

You will also need

  • 500ml fresh cream, whipped (Benna)
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 150g fresh berries to decorate


Preheat the oven to 180`c and line 2 baking trays with non-stick paper. Beat the egg whites until satiny peaks form, and then beat in the sugar a spoonful at a time until the meringue is stiff and shiny. Sprinkle over the cocoa and vinegar, and the chopped chocolate. Then gently fold everything until the cocoa is thoroughly mixed in. Spread onto the 2 baking sheets in into 2 circles 9 inches in diameter, smoothing the top. Place in the oven, then immediately turn the temperature down to 150°c and cook for about an hour. When it’s ready it should feel crispy to touch on the outsides but still soft on the inside. Turn off the oven, open the oven door and allow the meringue to cool down in the oven. Meanwhile, prepare the cranberry jam. Place the cranberries, sugar, orange juice and zest. Bring to the boil and cook down for 15 minutes until the cranberries pop and the jam thickens, adding in a little water if the jam to get too dry. Add in the corn flour, bring to the boil and take off the heat. Allow to cool down completely. When you are ready, place 1 of the chocolate meringues on a serving cake stand. Spread the cooled cranberry jam on top. Next, whip the fresh cream with the icing sugar and spread half over the cranberry jam. Place the second meringue on top and cover with the remaining whipped cream. Decoratively arrange the berries on top and serve dusted with a little icing sugar.
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Meringue kejk taċ-ċikkulata bil-berries



  • 6 abjad tal-bajd kbar
  • 300g ‘caster sugar’
  • 3 mgħaref ‘cocoa powder’
  • Kuċċarina ħall balsamiku
  • 50g ċikkulata skura mqatta’

Għall-ġamm tal-‘cranberry’

  • 200g ‘cranberries’ friski jew tal-friża mqatta’
  • 75g ‘caster sugar’
  • meraq u qoxra ta’ 2 larinġiet
  • kuċċarina ‘cornflour’

Se jkollok bżonn ukoll

  • 500ml krema friska
  • mgħarfa ‘icing sugar’
  • 150g berries friski għad-dekorazzjoni


Saħħan il-forn għal 180°C u iksi 2 tilari b’karta li ma twaħħalx. Ħabbat l-abjad tal-bajd sakemm jiffurmaw qċaċet, mbagħad żid iz-zokkor kuċċarina wara l-oħra sakemm il-meringue tkun iebsa u tleqq. Ferra’ fuqha t-trabb taċ-ċikkulata, l-ħall ul-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata. Imbagħad ħawwad bil-mod sakemm kollox jitħallat sewwa. Ferrex fuq it-tilari b’dijametru ta’ 9 pulzieri. Poġġi fil-forn, u immedjatament niżżel it-temperatura għal 150°C u sajjar għal madwar siegħa. Meta tkun lesta għandha tkun tinħass tqarmeċ minn barra imma ratba minn ġewwa. Itfi l-forn, iftaħ l-bieba tal-forn u ħalli l-meringue tiksaħ fil-forn. Sadanittant, ipprepara l-ġamm tal-cranberry billi tpoġġi l-cranberries, zokkor, meraq u qoxra tal-larinġ f’borma żgħira u għalli għal 15-il minuta sakemm il-cranberries jinfaqu u l-ġamm jeħxien. Żid ftit ilma jekk il-ġamm jinxef wisq. Żid il-cornflour, għalli u neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Ħalli jiksaħ kompletament. Meta tkun lests, poġġi waħda mill-meringues taċ-ċikkulata fuq stand tal-kejk u ifrex il-ġamm tal-cranberry imkessaħ fuqha. Wara ħawwad il-krema friska maż-zokkor u xerred nofsha fuq il-ġamm tal-cranberry. Poġġi t-tieni meringue fuq nett u għatti bil-krema li jifdal. B’mod dekorattiv irranġa l-frott fil-wiċċ u servi bi ftit zokkor fin.

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