
November almond bones

Serves: 8


For the pastry

  • 240g plain flour (Lamb Brand)
  • ½ tsp baking powder (Lamb Brand)
  • 60g icing sugar (Lamb Brand)
  • 115g unsalted butter (President)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • Juice and zest of an orange

For the almond filling

  • 125g pure ground almonds (Lamb Brand)
  • 100g icing sugar (Lamb Brand)
  • Finely grated zest of a lemon
  • ½ tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 egg white
  • You will also need glace icing and chopped toasted almonds to decorate


Start this recipe by preparing the pastry. Sift together the flour, baking and icing sugar in a large bowl. Add in the butter and rub together with your fingers till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the orange zest, fresh orange juice and egg yolks and mix together till you have a smooth soft pastry. Wrap up the pastry in cling film and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, you can also prepare the almond filling. Place all the ingredients in a large bowl and bind together with your hands to form a soft marzipan. Make sure the mixture is not sticky. Once the pastry has chilled and you have prepared the almond filling, you can start preparing the almond bones. Roll out the pastry into a long strip 4 inches wide. Brush with a little water and roll the almond filling into sausage the same length as the pastry, and place on top. Roll up the almond filling in the pastry and seal together the edges well. Roll out lightly to make sure that the pastry and almond filling have stuck together. Cut into pieces, sealing the pastry edges together, concealing the almond inside. Roll out each piece into a small sausage shape and stick your finger into both ends, creating a bone shape. Place the bone shaped pastries on baking trays covered with baking paper, spaced well apart. Bake in the oven at 200`c for 25-30 minutes, or until the almond bones are a light golden colour. Remove them from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool down completely. When ready, brush the top of each bone with glace icing or melted chocolate and quickly sprinkle over some chopped toasted almonds.
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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Għadam tal-mejtin


  • 240g dqiq plain (Lamb Brand)
  • ½ kuċċarina trab tal-ħami (Lamb Brand)
  • 60g zokkor tal-ġelu (Lamb Brand)
  • 115g butir bla melħ (President)
  • 1 isfar ta’ bajda
  • 1 kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla
  • Il-meraq u l-qoxra maħkuka ta’ larinġa
Għall-mili tal-lewż
  • 125g lewż pur mitħun (Lamb Brand)
  • 100g zokkor tal-ġelu (Lamb Brand)
  • Qoxra ta’ lumija maħkuka fin
  • ½ kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla
  • 1 abjad ta’ bajda
  • Għandek bżonn ukoll ġelu biex tiksi u lewż inkaljat biex iżżejjen


Ibda r-riċetta billi tlesti l-għaġina. Fi skutella kbira għarbel flimkien id-dqiq, it-trab tal-ħami u z-zokkor. Żid il-butir u ħaddmu b’subgħajk sakemm it-taħlita tiġi qisha frak tal-ħobż. Żid il-qoxra maħkuka ta’ larinġa u l-isfra tal-bajd u ħawwad sakemm tifforma għaġina ratba. Geżwirha fil-cling film u ħalliha tiksaħ fil-fridge għal 30 minuta. Sadattant lesti l-mili. Poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha fi skutella kbira u ħaddimhom b’idejk biex tifforma pastarjali. Ara li t-taħlita ma tkunx twaħħal iżżejjed. Meta l-għaġina tiksaħ u tkun lestejt it-taħlita tal-mili, tista’ tibda tifforma l-għadam. Iftaħ l-għaġina fi strixxa wiesgħa daqs 4 pulzieri. Idlikaha bi ftit ilma u rambal il-mili tal-lewż f’zalzetta tal-istess wisa’ tal-għaġina u poġġiha fuqha. Geżwer il-mili fl-għaġina u ssiġilla t-trufijiet tajjeb. Rembilha ftit biex l-għaġina u l-mili jagħqdu tajjeb flimkien. Qattagħha f’biċċiet u erġa’ ssiġilla t-trufijiet tal-għaġina flimkien ħalli l-mili jibqa’ ġewwa. Rambal kull biċċa f’għamla ta’ zalzetta żgħira u b’subgħajk niżżel it-trufijiet ftit ’l isfel biex tifforma l-għadma. Poġġihom fuq tilari miksija b’karta tal-ħami u spazjahom sew minn ma’ xulxin. Aħmihom f’temperatura ta’ 200oC għal 25-30 minuta, jew sakemm jieħdu kulur dehbi ċar. Oħroġhom mill-forn u poġġihom fuq gradilja biex jiksħu sew. Meta jkunu lesti, idlek il-wiċċ ta’ kull għadma bil-ġelu jew biċ-ċikkulata mdewba u fil-pront ferrex ftit lewż inkaljat imfarrak.

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