
Stuffed Calamari on spaghetti



stuffed calamari


  • 2 medium sized calamari
  • 2 cans tuna in oil (Blue Angel)
  • 8 slices sandwich bread
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 small glasses white wine
  • 2 spoons chopped black olives
  • 1 spoon chopped capers 
  • Chopped mint and parsley
  • 2 spoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg (Le Naturelle)
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 1 spoon tomato concentrate (Mayor)
  • 6 anchovy fillets 
  • 1 can tomato polpa (Mayor)

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Chop the calamari tentacles and fry together with a chopped garlic clove in a spoon full of extra virgin olive oil. Splash with the white wine, allow evaporation. Remove from heat, mix in tuna, olives, capers and herbs. 

Trim off the crust from the sandwich bread and cut into small cubes, add to the tuna mixture, mix well, incorporate the egg and cheese. Use the tuna filling to stuff the calamari. Close the filling with cocktail sticks. 

Seal the calamari in a separate pan in hot olive oil with garlic cloves and the chopped onions and anchovies. Splash with white wine and simmer. Add in the polpa and simmer for approximately 10 minutes. 

Serve the calamari sliced over the spaghetti tossed in its own sauce. 

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