
Rigatoni pasta with roasted red pepper and greek cheese




3 large whole red peppers
1 block Greek cheese (Emborg)
1 handful cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1 whole globe garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dried oregano
250g rigatoni pasta (Lamb brand)
1 sachet grated Parmesan (Zanetti)
1 handful fresh basil leaves


Start this recipe by placing the red peppers, cherry tomatoes and Greek cheese into a baking tray spaced out. Drizzle with olive oil and oregano. Cut the top off the garlic, drizzle with oil and wrap into foil and place into the same tray. Roast the vegetables and cheese in the oven at 200`c for 45 minutes. When ready, remove from the oven. Peel the skins off the red peppers and cut out any seeds. Place the peppers, tomatoes, Greek cheese and any juices into a food processor. Remove the garlic from the foil and squeeze out the garlic puree into the processor. Blitz together with a sauce. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a pan of salted boiling water, drain and mix into the red pepper sauce. Tear in the basil leaves and half of the grated cheese and mix together well. Serve into pasta bowls and sprinkle over the remaining grated cheese.



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