
Pistachio figolli




For the filling
200g pistachios
200g pure ground almonds
325g icing sugar
Grated zest 2 lemons
3-2 egg whites (Coccodi)
1 tsp vanilla
For the sweet pastry
500g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
150g icing sugar
225g butter, cut into cubes (Lakeland)
3 egg yolks (Coccodi)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Zest 1 lemon and 1 orange
Juice 1 orange
You will also need
300g dark chocolate, melted (Novi)
Royal icing and sugar paste cutouts to decorate


To make the filling, place the pistachios, ground almonds, icing sugar and lemon zest into a food processor together and blitz till fine. Add in the vanilla and enough egg white and blitz to a paste. To make the pastry, blitz together the flour, baking powder, zest and sugar then add in the butter and blitz again. Mix together the egg yolks, orange juice and vanilla and add to the pastry crumb and blitz to a smooth pastry. Shill for 30 minutes. Use the pastry and filling to make your figolli and bake in the oven at 180`c for 35-45 minutes depending on their size. Allow to cool down completely before decorating with melted chocolate, piped royal icing and sugar paste cutouts.

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