
Peanut butter and chocolate lava cake




  • 200g dark chocolate (Icam)
  • 100g butter
  • 2 eggs + 2 yolks
  • 100 g caster sugar (Lamb brand)
  • 2 heaped tbsp. flour (Lamb brand)
  • 5 tbsp. smooth peanut butter
  • Cocoa powder for dusting (Icam)


Melt the butter and chocolate together in a microwave, stir well to combine and put aside to cool slightly. Grease 5 dariole moulds with melted butter and dust with cocoa powder.

Whisk together eggs, yolks and sugar till creamy and pale. Stir in the melted chocolate mixture, next fold in the flour gently, taking care not to over mix the batter.

Fill the moulds half way up, place a heaped spoonful of the peanut butter into each mould and press gently to submerge into the chocolate batter, cover with the remaining chocolate mixture.  Bake for 15 minutes in a preheated oven at 200°C. The top should spring back when pressed lightly with finger tips. Turn out the cakes onto a serving plate, serve immediately dusted with more cocoa powder, sweetened whipped cream, fresh berries and ice cream.

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Kejk Lava tal-butir tal-karawett u ċ-ċikkulata


Dewweb il-butir u ċ-ċikkulata flimkien fil-microwave, ħawwad sew flimkien u warrabhom biex jiksħu ftit. Idlek 5 forom dariole bil-butir imdewweb u ferrex ftit trab tal-kawkaw.

Ħawwad flimkien il-bajd, l-isfar u z-zokkor u fforma fi krema. Żid u ħawwad it-taħlita taċ-ċikkulata mdewba, imbagħad żid id-dqiq bil-mod, waqt li tieħu ħsieb li ma tħallatx iżżejjed it-taħlita.

Imla l-forom sa nofshom, poġġi mgħarfa mimlija bil-butir tal-karawett f’kull forma u agħfas bil-mod biex tgħaddas fit-taħlita taċ-ċikkulata, imbagħad għatti bit-taħlita taċ-ċikkulata li jifdal. Sajjar għal 15-il minuta f’forn imsaħħan minn qabel f’temperatura ta’ 200°C. Il-parti ta’ fuq għandha toħroġ lura meta tkun ippressata ħafif bit-truf tas-swaba’. Dawwar il-kejkijiet fuq pjanċa biex sservi, u servi immedjatament bi ftit aktar trab tal-kawkaw, krema mħabbta biz-zokkor, frott frisk u ġelat.


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