
Pasti roża & cerry cups




4 Pink Jelly Cakes
120ml Ready-Made Custard
1cup Double Cream (Elmlea)
100g Mixed Berries (Asiago)
1tbsp Icing Sugar
1pkt Raspberry Jelly



Cut the cakes into slices and arrange them at the bottom of the cups.
Prepare the jelly, allow it to cool down and drizzle some tablespoons on the sliced cakes.
Add a tablespoon of the custard and cover with another layer of sliced cakes.
Drizzle with jelly and set aside.
Whip the cream, and when it starts to thicken, add the icing sugar and 2 tablespoons of custard.
Whip it until firm.
Place half of the cream into a piping bag with a narrow nozzle.
Make a border with the cream into each cup.
Place the frozen fruits in the centre and drizzle with some more jelly.
Refrigerate for at least 6 hours.
You can also add some liqueur of your choice when soaking the cakes.


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