
Pasta salad with zucchini pesto




  • 500g fusilli pasta (De Cecco)
  • 3 zucchini, sliced and grilled
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbsp grated grana cheese
  • Fresh mint and parsley, chopped
  • 100g toasted mixed nuts
  • 3 slices thick cut Salami, diced
  • 100g provolone cheese, diced
  • 1 packet small mozzarella balls (Benna)
  • Handful cherry tomatoes
  • Handful of snow peas, sliced
  • Extra virgin olive oil (Borges)
  • Handful grapes


Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water, drain and refresh under cold running water to stop the pasta from cooking. Prepare a zucchini pesto; grind together, grilled zucchini, garlic, nuts, herbs and cheese with enough extra virgin olive oil to form a smooth creamy pesto. Mix the pasta with this pesto, chop the remaining zucchini and mix in the pasta together with the salami, cheeses, cherry tomatoes, grapes, zest and juice of lemon and snow peas.
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Insalata tal-għaġin bil-pesto tal-qarabgħali


  • 500g għaġin fusilli
  • 3 qarabgħaliet
  • 2 sinniet tewm
  • 2 mgħaref ġobon grana maħkuk
  • nagħniegħ u tursin frisk
  • 100g ġewż
  • 3 biċċiet salami ta’ qatgħa ħoxna, imqatta ‘
  • 100g ġobon provolone
  • pakkett blalen tal-mozzarella
  • ftit tadam żgħir
  • ftit ‘snow peas’
  • żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • ftit għeneb


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