
Gluten free Oriental pitta pizza wedges




  • 2 pita bread (B-Free)
  • fresh mozzarella (Benna)
  • 3 spoons tomato passata (Cirio)
  • 1 chopped tomato
  • 1 duck breast
  • 1 spoon hoisin sauce
  • 1 tsp 5 spice
  • 1 tsp honey
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • 1 grilled bell pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic and ginger paste
  • Fresh coriander leaves
  • Sesame seeds


Grill the pita on both sides; place on a baking tray. Seal the duck breast; remove excess fat from the pan, season with the spice, hoi sin, honey, ginger & garlic paste, drizzle with honey & orange juice. Remove duck from pan and roast for 8 minutes in a hot oven. Reduce the sauce to a thick syrupy consistency, remove from the heat and allow cooling slightly. Slice the duck breast thinly and mix in the sauce together with the chopped bell pepper and sesame seeds. Put the pita breads on a baking tray, spread with the tomato sauce, grate mozzarella on top to cover. Top up with the duck sauce & bake for a few minutes until mozzarella melts. Serve piping hot sprinkled with extra sesame seeds & coriander leaves.
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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Biċċiet tal- pita pizza orjentali


  • 2 ħobżiet pita
  • mozzarella friska
  • 3 mgħaref passata tat-tadam
  • tadama imqatta’
  • sider tal-papra
  • mgħarfa zalza hoisin
  • kuċċarina ħwawar
  • kuċċarina għasel
  • meraq ta’ larinġa
  • bżaru iggriljat
  • kuċċarina pejst tat-tewm u ġinġer
  • weraq tal-kosbor frisk
  • ġulġlien

Pita bl-avokado

  • 2 ħobżiet pita
  • spread tal-avokado
  • tadama imqatta’
  • 2 biċċiet ġobon ċeddar
  • 6 żebbuġiet suwed
  • stikek tal-cocktail


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