
Maltese honey rings




For the pastry

  • 500g plain flour
  • 50g semolina
  • 50g sugar
  • 80g unsalted butter or margerine(STORK)
  • Juice ½ lemon
  • 150ml water

For the filling

  • 500g black treacle
  • 500g water
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • Zest of 1/2 orange, mandarin, lemon
  • Pinch ground cloves
  • 1 tbsp anisette liqueur
  • 1 tsp rose water
  • 240g Semolina


For best results, make the pastry and fillingfor the honey rings the day before. To make the filling, place all the ingredients (except the semolina) in a large pan and bring to the boil. Immediately pour in the semolina, stirring constantly untill you have a thick consistency(this should take 2 minutes) Remove off he heat and pour the filling into dish to cool down completely. To make the pastry, Place the flour, semolina, butter and sugar in a bowl and rub together using your fingertips till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add in the water and bind together till you have a stiff pastry. Wrap up in cling film and place in the fridge till you are ready to use it the next day. When you are ready to make the honey rings, take tablespoonfuls of the filling and roll into sausages on a work surface dusted with a little semolina. Place to one side while you prepare the pastry. Cut the chilled pastry into small pieces, and roll each piece out to a rectangle on a lightly floured surface. The pastry must be quiet thin in thickness. Brush the edges lightly with water and place a piece of filling onto each pastry rectangle. Roll the pastry up and seal the pastry together. Next, form the oblong into a ring and seal the 2 ends together to form a ring. Place the rings onto baking sheets dusted with a little semolina and cut slits into the top of the rings using a very sharp knife. Bake the honey ring in a hot oven at 200`c, for 25-30 minutes.

Suggested accompnying wine: DELICATA Casella Moscato Sweet white wine

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Qagħaq tal-għasel



  • 500g dqiq plain
  • 50g smid
  • 50g zokkor
  • 80g butir bla melħ jew marġerina (STORK)
  • il-meraq ta’ ½ lumija
  • 150ml ilma


  • 500g għasel iswed
  • 500g ilma; mgħarfa zokkor
  • il-qoxra maħkuka ta’ ½ larinġa, mandolina, lumija
  • niskata msiemer tal-qronfol mitħuna
  • mgħarfa likur tal-aniżetta
  • kuċċarina ilma żahar
  • 240g smid


Biex ikollok l-aħjar riżultat, lesti l-għaġina u l-mili ġurnata qabel. Biex tagħmel il-mili, poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha (minbarra s-smid) f’taġen kbir u ħalli t-taħlita tiftaħ tagħli. Imbagħad itfa’ s-smid u ħawwad kontinwament sakemm it-taħlita tagħqad (dan għandu jieħu 2 minuti). Neħħiha minn fuq in-nar u itfagħha f’dixx biex tibred. Biex tagħmel l-għaġina, poġġi d-dqiq, is-smid, il-butir u z-zokkor fi skutella u agħġinhom b’subgħajk sakemm it-taħlita tiġi qisha frak tal-ħobż. Żid l-ilma u għaqqad l-għaġina. Geżwirha fil-cling film u poġġiha fil-friġġ sakemm tiġi biex tużaha. Meta tkun se tibda tagħmel il-qagħaq, ħu ftit mgħaref mill-mili u ffurmahom f’romblu fuq wiċċ miksi bis-smid. Warrab f’ġenb sakemm tipprepara l-għaġina. Qatta’ l-għaġina f’biċċiet żgħar u iftaħ kull biċċa f’forma rettangolari fuq wiċċ miksi bi ftit dqiq. L-għaġina għandha tkun pjuttost irqiqa. Idlek it-trufijiet bi ftit ilma u poġġi biċċa mir-romblu tal-mili fuq kull biċċa għaġina. Agħlaq l-għaġina billi trembilha. Imbagħad dawwar l-għaġina mimlija f’forma ta’ qagħqa u għaqqad it-trufijiet flimkien. Poġġi l-qagħaq fit-tilari miksijin bi ftit smid. B’sikkina agħmel xquq żgħar fil-wiċċ ta’ kull qagħqa. Aħmihom f’forn mikwi, f’temperatura ta’ 200oC għal 25-30 minuta.

L-inbid issuġġerit: DELICATA Casella Moscato Sweet white wine

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