
Gluten-free chocolate bread pudding

Serves: 8



  • 175g gluten-free dark chocolate, chopped
  • 80g butter
  • 280ml double cream
  • 250ml milk
  • 125g caster sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 tbsp liqueur
  • 10-12 gluten-free white bread slices (Dr. Schar)
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar to decorate


Place the chocolate and milk into a saucepan and heat till the chocolate has melted. Add in the butter to melt then stir in the double cream. Allow to cool for a few minutes before whisking in the eggs. Cut off the top crusts of the bread slices then cut into triangles. Spoon a little of the chocolate custard into the bottom of a baking dish. Lay the bread triangles in the bottom of the dish, overlapping them and layering with the custard. To finish, pour over the remaining custard on top and press in the bread to coat comp[lately. Allow the bread to soak for 10 minutes then place into a larger baking dish half filled with water. Bake in the oven at 180`c for 30-35 minutes. Serve hot dusted with icing sugar.
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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Pudina tal-ħobż taċ-ċikkulata mingħajr glutina


  • 175g ċikkulata skura mingħajr glutina, mqatta’
  • 80g butir
  • 280ml krema doppja
  • 250ml ħalib
  • 125g zokkor caster
  • 4 bajdiet
  • 4 mgħaref ‘liquer’
  • 10-12 biċċiet ħobż mingħajr glutina
  • mgħarfa ‘icing sugar’ biex iżżejnu


Poġġi ċ-ċikkulata u l-ħalib ġo kazzola u saħħan sakemm iċ-ċikkulata ddub. Żid il-butir u dewweb imbagħad ħawwad magħħa il-krema doppja. Ħalliha tiksaħ għal ftit minuti qabel ma żżid il-bajd. Aqta ‘ l-qoxra ta’ fuq tal-biċċiet tal-ħobż imbagħad aqta’ fi trijangoli. Poġġi ftit mill-custard taċ-ċikkulata fil-qiegħ tad-dixx. Qiegħed it-trijangoli tal-ħobż fil-qiegħ tad-dixx, fuq xulxin u iksi bil-custard. Biex tispiċċa, ferra’ l-kumplament tal-custard fil-wiċċ u agħfas il-ħobż biex tiksih kollu. Ħalli l-ħobż jixxarrab għal 10 minuti imbagħad qiegħed ġo dixx ikbar tal-ħami nofs mimli bl-ilma. Aħmi fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 180°C għal 30-35 minuta. Servi sħuna b’zokkor fin fil-wiċċ.

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