
Brie and cranberry stuffed chicken breast with creamy garlic potatoes




For the chicken
2 chicken breasts (SPA)
1 round Brie cheese (Emborg)
2 tbsp cranberry jam (Mackays)
6 slices Parma ham
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to season

You will also need
530ml milk (Benna)
1 knob butter
50g grated Parmesan (Zanetti)
1 clove garlic, crushed
Salt and pepper to taste
1 x 75g sachet mashed potato (Knorr)
Cooked vegetables for serving asparagus, sweetcorn


Start by slicing the chicken open and tenderize with a mallet to flatten out. Lay 3 pieces of Parma ham side by side onto a piece of cling film and repeat with the remaining 3. Place 1 chicken breast over each. Next, season with salt and pepper and spoon over the cranberry jam. Unwrap the Brie and cut into slices and place down 1 side. Roll up each breast tightly using the cling film and chill for 15 minutes. When ready, heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a pan and brown the stuffed chicken breast for 3-4 minutes or until the Parma ham begins to brown. Transfer onto a baking tray and continue to cook in the oven at 200`c for 8-10 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to sit while you make the mash. Heat the milk, butter and garlic together in a pan until hot and season with salt and pepper. Mix in the mashed potato sachet and continue to heat till thick and creamy. Remove off the heat and stir in the Parmesan. To serve, spread the creamy potatoes onto the base of 2 serving plates. Lay the cooked vegetables on 1 side. Slice the stuffed breasts thickly and arrange onto the other side of the plate.


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