Baked ravioli timballo
For the pastry
- 500g plain flour
- 250g butter
- ½ tsp salt
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 100ml water
For the béchamel
- 50g butter
- 50g flour
- 1 liter milk, warmed
- 200ml fresh cream
- ½ tsp grated nutmeg
You will also need
- 1 leek, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp. butter
- 250g frozen shrimps, defrosted
- 1 tbsp. chopped parsley
- 1 tsp lemon zest
- 1 packet salmon ravioli (Maypole)
- 200g grated cheddar cheese
For the pastry, rub together the flour, salt and butter into fine crumbs. Add in the beaten eggs and enough water to form a pastry. Roll out on a floured surface into a circle large enough to cover the base and sides of an 8inch greased cake tin. Next, prepare the béchamel sauce by melting the butter in a sauce pan then whisk in the flour to make a roux. Next pour in the warmed milk gradually, whisking continuously until you have a fairly thick sauce. Stir in the cream and nutmeg and season with salt and pepper. Next, sauté the garlic and leek together with the butter in a pan until soft. Stir in the shrimps, parsley and lemon zest then add this mixture into the prepared béchamel sauce.
Next, cook the fresh frozen ravioli for 2 minutes in a pan of boiling water and drain. Mix the ravioli with the béchamel sauce and cheddar cheese and spoon this mixture into the cake tin. Cover with the remaining short crust pastry, brush with the beaten egg and bake in the oven at 200°C for 35 minutes.
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Ravjul moħmija timballo
- 500g dqiq
- 250g butir
- nofs kuċċarina melħ
- 2 bajdiet
- 100ml ilma
- pakkett ravjul tas-salamun
- litru ħalib sħun
- 50g butir
- 50g dqiq
- 200ml krema friska
- nofs kuċċarina noċemuskata maħkuka
- 250g gambli
- lumija
- tursin imqatta’
- kurrat
- 2 sinniet tewm imqatta’
- 200g ġobon ċedar maħkuk
- butir żejjed
Għall-għaġina; bil-ponot tas-swaba’ ta’ jdejk aħdem id-dqiq, il-melħ u l-butir flimkien sakemm jifforma frak fin. Żid il-bajd imħabbat u l-ilma biżżejjed biex tifforma l-għaġina. Irrombla fuq wiċċ bid-dqiq u fforma f’ċirku kbir biżżejjed biex tkopri l-bażi u l-ġnub ta’ landa tal-kejk midluka bix-xaħam ta’ 8 pulzieri. Sussegwentement, ipprepara z-zalza tal-bechamel billi ddewweb il-butir f’taġen, imbagħad ħawwad id-dqiq biex tagħmel roux. Sussegwentement ferra’ l-ħalib imsaħħan gradwalment, kompli ħawwad kontinwament sakemm ikollok zalza pjuttost ħoxna. Żid u ħawwad il-krema u n-noċemuskata u ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar. Sussegwentement, qalli t-tewm u l-kurrat flimkien mal-butir f’taġen sakemm jirtabu. Ħawwad il-gambli, it-tursin u l-qoxra tal-lumi, imbagħad żid din it-taħlita fiz-zalza bechamel imħejjija. Wara, sajjar ir-ravjul frisk iffriżat għal 2 minuti f’borma ta’ ilma jagħli u saffi. Ħallat ir-ravjul maz-zalza tal-bechamel u l-ġobon ċedar u poġġi din it-taħlita fil-landa tal-kejk. Għatti bil-bqija tal-għaġina, idlek bil-bajd imħabbat u aħmi fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 200°C għal 35 minuta.
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