
Fussili with Chilli Bacon, mango and parmesan





  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • ½ small red chili
  • 100g bacon cubes
  • ½ glass white wine
  • 1 small red onion
  • 80g frozen diced mango (Greens)
  • 250g fresh pasta Fusilli (Maypole)
  • Small bunch parsley
  • 80g grated parmesan
  • 2 egg yolks


Dice the onion and sauté with the chopped chili and bacon with little olive oil. Once browned add the mango and toss together. Splash in the wine to evaporate, then bring to the boil, simmer and cook for a minute or two. Boil a pan of salted hot water and cook the fresh pasta for just 1 minute. Drain and add the the bacon mixture, along with the beaten eggs yolks, Parmesan and parsley. Toss around in the pan for 2 minutes to cook the egg then serve immediately.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Fusilli bil-bejken, mangu u parmiġġjan


  • 250g fusilli friski
  • nofs bżaru aħmar pikkanti żgħir
  • 100g biċċiet tal-bejken
  • basla ħamra żgħira
  • 80g mangu tal-friża mqatta’
  • mazz tursin żgħir
  • 80g parmiġġjan maħkuk
  • 2 isfra tal-bajd
  • nofs tazza nbid abjad


Qatta’ l-basla u qalli mal-bżaru pikkanti mqatta’ u l-bejken bi ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa. Ladarba jieħu l-kulur kannella, żid il-mangu u ħawwad flimkien. Ferra’ l-inbid biex jevapora, imbagħad ħallih jagħli. Ħallih itektek u sajjar għal minuta jew tnejn. Għalli borma ta’ ilma sħun b’niskata melħ u sajjar l-għaġin frisk għal minuta waħda biss. Saffi u żid it-taħlita tal-bejken, flimkien mal-isfar tal-bajd imħabbat, il-parmiġġjan u t-tursin. Ħawwad fit-taġen għal 2 minuti biex issajjar il-bajd, imbagħad servi immedjatament.

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