Black forest chocolate and cherry trifle
- 1 1/2 jumbo chocolate Swiss rolls, sliced (GUSPARO)
- 415g tin black cherry filling
- 3 measures maraschino liqueur
- 600ml whipping cream (ELMLEA)
- 1 tbsp icing sugar
- 150g chocolate shavings and maraschino cherries to decorate
- You will also need a 25cm glass trifle bowl
For the chocolate custard
- 400ml evaporated milk
- 400ml water
- 25g caster sugar
- 2 tbsp corn flour
- 3 egg yolks
- 75g dark chocolate, chopped (NOVI)
Start this recipe by covering the base of the trifle bowl with slices of the chocolate Swiss roll. Cut some more slices, and place them side by side around the inside edge of the bowl. Soak the Swiss roll with some of the maraschino and spread over ½ of the black cherry filling. Next make the chocolate custard by mixing together the corn flour, egg yolks and 2 tablespoons of the water to form a soft paste. Heat the remaining water and milk together in a saucepan. Just as the milk begins to boil, whisk in the corn flour mixture and continue to whisk until the custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Leave the chocolate custard to cool slightly before pouring ½ over the black cherry filling. Even out and place a layer of sliced Swiss roll on top to completely cover the custard. Soak again with some more of the maraschino liqueur. Leave to cool and set for about 15 minutes. Whip the cream and the icing sugar together to stiff peaks and spread 1/3 over the sponge. Cover the cream with a third layer of sponge and soak wth the remaining liqueur. Spread the remaining cherry filling over the sponge. Pour over the remaining chocolate custard and spread out evenly. Place the trifle in the fridge for an hour to cool completely. Finally, remove the trifle from the fridge, and spread 1/2 of the remaining whipped cream over the top. Place the remaining cream in a piping bag and pipe rosettes around the top edge of the trifle. Decorate the top of the trifle with chocolate flakes and maraschino cherries.
Suggested accompanying wine: DELICATA Gellewa Rose Frizzante I.G.T.Maltese Islands
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Black forest biċ-ċikkulata u ċ-ċirasa
Għall-krema taċ-ċikkulata
- 400ml ħalib evaporat
- 400ml ilma
- 25g zokkor fin (caster sugar)
- 2 mgħaref corn flour
- 3 isfra tal-bajd
- 75g ċikkulata skura, imqattgħa (NOVI)
Għandek bżonn ukoll
- 1½ Swiss rolls kbar taċ-ċikkulata, imqattgħin roti (GUSPARO)
- bott ta’ 415g mili skur taċ-ċirasa
- 3 grokkijiet likur tal-maraschino
- 600ml krema li titħabbat (ELMLEA)
- 1 mgħarfa zokkor tal-ġelu (icing sugar)
- 150g frak taċ-ċikkulata, u ċirasa maraschino biex iżżejjen
- skutella tat-trifle tal-ħġieġ ta’ 25ċm
: Ibda billi tiksi l-iskutella tal-ħġieġ bil-biċċiet tas-Swiss roll. Aqta’ ftit biċċiet oħra u poġġihom ħdejn xulxin mal-ġenb tal-iskutella. Xarrabhom ftit bil-likur u itfa’ ½ il-mili taċ-ċirasa. Imbagħad lesti l-krema taċ-ċikkulata billi tħallat flimkien il-corn flour, l-isfra tal-bajd u 2 mgħaref mill-ilma biex tifforma taħlita ratba. Saħħan l-ilma li jkun fadal mal-ħalib f’kazzola. Malli l-ħalib ikun se jiftaħ jagħli, itfa’ t-taħlita taċ-ċikkulata miegħu u kompli ħabbat sakemm din il-krema tagħqad u tħalli lega mal-imgħarfa. Ħalliha tiksaħ ftit, imbagħad itfa’ nofsha fuq il-mili taċ-ċirasa. Ferrixha u agħmel saff ieħor bil-biċċiet tas-Swiss roll biex tgħatti l-krema. Xarrabhom bi ftit likur ieħor u ħalli t-trifle jiksaħ għal madwar kwarta. Sadattant, ħabbat il-krema l-oħra u z-zokkor sew flimkien u ifrex 1/3 minnha fuq il-biċċiet tas-Swiss roll. Għatti l-krema b’saff sponge ieħor u xarrbu bl-aħħar ftit likur. Ifrex il-bqija tal-mili taċ-ċirasa, imbagħad itfa’ l-krema taċ-ċikkulata li jkun fadal fil-wiċċ. Poġġi t-trifle fil-friġġ għal siegħa biex jiksaħ sew. Imbagħad oħorġu mill-friġġ u ifrex ½ il-krema mħabbta li jkun fadal fil-wiċċ. Itfa’ l-bqija tal-krema f’piping bag u fforma fjorellini żgħar mat-tarf. Żejjen il-wiċċ bil-frak taċ-ċikkulata u ċ-ċirasa.
L-inbid issuġġerit: DELICATA Ġellewża Rose Frizzante I.Ġ.T.Maltese Islands
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