
Easter chocolate and pecan bread wreath




For the dough
  • 500g plain flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 60g butter, softened (President)
  • Zest of a lemon and orange
  • 11g sachet dried yeast (Tesco)
  • 300-350ml warm milk (Benna)
For the filling
  • 60g melted butter
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 150-200g chocolate and hazelnut spread (Tesco)
  • 100g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 100g pecan nuts, chopped
  • You will also need 4 tbsp icing sugar, chocolate eggs and cinnamon to decorate


To make the dough, put the flour, salt, sugar and butter in a large bowl and rub together till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add in the zest, yeast and warm milk and mix to a soft dough. Place the dough onto a floured surface and knead well for 4 minutes. Put the dough into a floured bowl, cover with plastic and leave to rise till double in size, for about an hour. Knock back the dough and roll out to a large square, 40cm x 25cm. Brush the dough with half of the melted butter, then spread over the chocolate spread. Sprinkle over the sugar, pecans, chopped chocolate and cinnamon. Roll up tight from top to bottom, into a large Swiss roll and cut in half all the way down the middle of the roll. Twist the 2 pieces together and form into a ring, pinching the 2 ends together. Brush a large baking tray with some of the remaining butter, and place on the ring and brush with the remaining butter. Cover with plastic and leave to rise again till double in size again. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 210`c, till golden brown. Meanwhile, mix the icing sugar with a little warm water to make a glace icing. As soon as the wreath comes out of the oven, brush all over with the icing to glaze and finish off with a generous sprinkling cinnamon and chopped chocolate.
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Qagħqa tal-Għid biċ-ċikkulata u lewż



  • 500g dqiq ‘plain’
  • nofs kuċċarina melħ
  • 2 mgħaref zokkor
  • 60g butir imrattab
  • qoxra ta’ lumija u larinġa
  • 11g – qartas ħmira
  • 300 – 350ml ta’ ħalib sħun


  • 60g butir imdewweb
  • 2 mgħaref zokkor
  • 2 kuċċarini kannella
  • 150 – 200g ‘spread’ taċ-ċikkulata u l-ġellewż
  • 100g ċikkulata skura, mfarrka’
  • 100g ‘peacun nuts’ mfarrka
  • Se jkollok bżonn ukoll 4 mgħaref zokkor fin, bajd taċ-ċikkulata u kannella biex iżżejnu


Ibda billi tagħmel l-għaġina. Poġġi d-dqiq, il-melħ, iz-zokkor u l-butir fi skutella kbira u ogħrok flimkien sakemm it-taħlita tixbah frak tal-ħobż. Żid il-qoxra tal-larinġ u lumi, ħmira u ħalib sħun u ħawwad sakemm tiġi għaġina ratba. Poġġi l-għaġina fuq wiċċ bid-dqiq u għaqqad sew għal 4 minuti. Poġġi l-għaġina ġo skutella bid-dqiq, għatti bil-plastik u ħalliha togħla sakemm tiġi ta’ daqs doppju, għal madwar siegħa. Iftaħ l-għaġina fi kwadru kbir ta’ 40cm x 25cm. Xarrab l-għaġina b’nofs il-butir imdewweb, imbagħad dellek bl-spread taċ-ċikkulata. Ferrex fuqu iz-zokkor, pecan nuts, iċ-ċikkulata mfarrka u l-kannella. Dawwar sewwa minn fuq s’isfel, f’romblu kbir u aqta’ f’nofs it-tul kollu tar-romblu san-nofs. Dawwar iż-żewġ biċċiet flimkien u fforma f’ċirku, billi tqabbad iż-żewġt itruf flimkien. Iksi trej kbir tal-ħami bi ftit mill-butir li fadal, u poġġi iċ-ċirku fuqu u iksi bil-butir li jkun fadal. Għatti bil-plastik u ħallih jerġa’ jogħla sa darbtejn fid-daqs. Aħmi fil-forn għal 35-40 minuta f’ temperatura ta 210°C, sakemm isir kannella u dehbi. Sadanittant, ħawwad iz-zokkor ma’ ftit ilma sħun biex tagħmel glaze taz-zokkor. Hekk kif toħroġ iċ-ċirku mill-forn, iksi bil-glaze u spiċċa billi tferrex il-kannella u ċikkulata mfarka.

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