
Imbuljuta tal-qastan

Serves: 6-8


  • 100g dried chestnuts, soaked overnight
  • 80g sugar
  • 40g dark chocolate
  • 40g dark cocoa powder
  • Grated rind of an orange
  • Rind of a mandarin, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • ½ tsp mixed spice


Start this recipe by rinsing the soaked chestnuts and placing back into a saucepan and cover completely with water and an extra 4cm. Add in all the ingredients and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for approximately 45 minutes or until the chestnuts are soft and cooked. Serve whilst still hot.
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Imbuljuta tal-qastan


  • 200g qastan niexef imxarrab għal lejl
  • 100g zokkor
  • 40g ċikkulata skura
  • 40g kokotina skura
  • Qoxra maħkuka ta’ larinġa
  • Qoxra ta’ mandolina mqattgħa rqiq
  • 1 kuċċarina trab tal-kannella
  • 1 bastun tal-kannella
  • ½ kuċċarina ħwawar imħallta (mixed spice)


Laħlaħ il-qastan li tkun xarrabt. Poġġih f’kazzola u għarrqu fl-ilma. Ibqa’ żid l-ilma sa 4ċm aktar ’il fuq minnu. Żid l-ingredjenti l-oħra kollha u ħalli t-taħlita tiftaħ tagħli. Baxxi n-nar u ħalliha ttektek għal madwar 45 minuta jew sakemm il-qastan ikun irtab u sar. Serviha sħuna.

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