
Grilled Tuna on a mango and coriander spelt salad



Grilled Tuna on a mango and coriander spelt salad


  • 400g fresh tuna,
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 50g sesame seeds
  • 250g barley (Lamb brand)
  • 50g frozen mango (Asiago)
  • 2 Spring onions chopped
  • 8 cherry tomatoes cut in halves
  • 60g roasted almonds crushed (Lamb brand)
  • Small bunch Coriander leaves chopped
  • Small bunch Baby spinach

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In a small bowl mix well the soy sauce and honey, brush the tuna with and roll into the sesame seeds. Drain well the spelt and in a large bowl mix well with the spring onions, tomatoes, onions, baby spinach, almonds and coriander, toss with olive oil. Seal the tuna on a preheated sauté pan and serve on the salad.

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